... La Buona Pasta di Gragnano

Classic Idea

Pellegrino Artusi - Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well

The ancient enjoyed the entertaiment of the table with great serenity and joy, following the teaching of thinkers such as Hippocrates, father of our medicine, Galeno, philosopher Hippocrates and recently Pellegrino Artusi, with Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating WellHowever, the art of eating well is changed today in more and more often fast food, reversing totally the precious teachings of the masters of the past. I wonder how would they be today disoriented in supermarkets in front of shelves rich of snacks and convenience foods...

Our goal, instead, is to work together with the same sensitivity that originally has put the labours in harmony with the raw materials, in fully respect of the times of the nature, and in contrast with fast food.

It is a product, that of the Pasta, that is to be achieved with the feeling and the hunger for perfection that leads to the creation of excellence. It would be impossible to implement it differently, given that our work must be at the hight of such great history, as well as comply with the severe PGI standards.

The ingredients used for the production are, and remain, water, coming out from Monti Lattari and flowing into the ancient springs of the Mills Valley in Gragnano , and Italian durum semolina wheat, extra quality.

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